
Welcome to the crazy and insane world of Terri.. Some days I may be incredibly funny, while other days I may be utterly lame and boring. You will also hear A LOT about the wonderful beings I call my children!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time for a change!

Blonde. Black. Highlights. Low-lights. RED!

So.. I wanted a change.  Same haircut got old. Blonde higlights were a given. Something I have done over and over again. Now don't get me wrong, I am pretty sure I will have blonde highlights again, numerous times in the future. I attempted red before, and.. it was an epic fail! I looked like a soft furry kitten attempting to fit in with the blood sucking tigers! In other words, the fire engine red did not fit in with my loving and caring personality.

With that said.. I went into Hello Beautiful, as giddy as ever! I knew what I wanted.. and told no one! I wanted red in my hair. Not highlights.. last time they were over bearing. And I wanted to go shorter, and choppy. So.. the girl asked me if I trusted her, and I said "Have at it".

The final outcome was adorable!! The cut was sooo cute! and the color.. well it was a little redder than I wanted, but it will fade. All in all, I LOVE IT!

This statement is going to make me sound like SUCH a female, but every time I walked by a mirror at the mall yesterday... I was checking out my hair! LMAO!

and since this is a blog about my hair, the only thing I will say about my shopping trip is that me and Cassidy got some super cute boots!! :)

I love love love it! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jam-Packed Weekend!!!

So.. This Halloween, it was just me and my kids! David went to Talledega for the races.
I was bound and determined to have a fun-filled, jam-packed weekend for me and my babies.. and that we did!!

Our weekend started on friday night! I planned on taking the kiddos to the pumpkin patch, but they took late naps while I hung out and chatted with some great friends! Walmart was our "fill in" for missing the pumpkin patch! We wore silly hats and danced in the isle! Smiles and laughs, it was all worth it! We had to get some yummy snacks for the following day!
Me wearing a dancing elf hat! lol
Cass wearing a dancing christmas tree hat! Lol

Saturday morning is when all the real fun began! I woke the kiddos up at the butt crack of dawn (Okay, more like 6:50am, lol!). Jonathan still sleeping, and wanting nothing to do with the pink shirt I had made for him, 'allowed' me to put on his "pink is for giiiiiiiiirrls shirt".
"I wear pink for my Grandma"
I hate to admit this.. but this is the first year I have participated in a breast cancer event. But I will tell you this, I will be involved every year for the rest of my life! And NO, I did not start now because "Someone else did". I did this for me, I did this for my kids, and more importantly.. I did this for my mom!!

We all looked super cute and decked out with pink. (We also "people watched" for ideas for upcoming events!)
Team Cancer Cussin' Cuties!

Tracy, Kristin and myself. I just LOVE our team shirts!!

Me and my adorable babies all decked out in pink for grandma!

We all had a blast at the walk! I had some great friends out there with me, and it was an awesome experience! It definitely helps when I have friends supporting me! I am not sure if I could have done this alone!

After the walk, we danced and played and just took in the scenery! Pink! Everywhere!!!

Then we went to The Crab Trap for lunch, it was very nice! (Pics to come soon, I didn't have my camera!)

After lunch we headed home and the kids took a nice long nap! I should have joined them, but I got deep into working on pictures! :) Ahh, I love pictures!!

Time for the Orange Fest!!!

  My lil Tinkerbell!!

My lil Iron Man!!

(I can only upload horizontal pics???? Vertical pics get flipped, that's dumb!)

The kids had fun Trunk-or-Treating! Jonathan tells me "I love this, haha!" What a cutie!!! And Cassidy just kept getting handfuls of candy. Until she realized, if you hold the bucket, you will get even more!! The Orange fest wasn't as huge as it has been the last few years we went. But we did stop for some ice cream!! Which the kids thoroughly enjoyed!!

Jonathan and his "yellow hiese cream"   and YES, I had to wash tinkerbell that night!

After the fun festivities, we went to Tracy's house for some yummy dinner. They had a great time, and Cassidy "learned" to play the guitar!! :)

Sunday.. Well, sunday morning I was dragging butt after all of the walking we did on Saturday. We were lazy! When we eventually kicked it in full gear, we met up with the McDaniel's and went to subway to enjoy some free lunch (courtesy of David winning free stuff!). Then we headed to the corn maze. It was a lil bit of a drive. It was a good time! We got pictures in a horse trailer.

Then the kiddos played on the playground! and had a blast!!

After we played on the playground, we ventured over to the cow train. Where Jonathan decided to throw a fit because he wanted to play more. Ahh, I looked like a very bad mommy at that point. And the stares, gotta love 'em! He was fine when it was his turn to ride the train tho!
They wouldn't let Cass ride with Jonathan, but atleast I got a picture first.
Needless to say, the smile says it all!!
After the cow train, we headed over to the hayride! The kids loved it!
Me and the kiddos on the hayride.

Then the kiddos played a little more, and shot potato guns (They shot corn tho)
Jonathan shooting the potato gun.

We left the corn maze and decided to go to the pumpkin patch! We didn't go to the one in the area, it was another 6 miles up the road and we wanted to be back in time for trick-or-treating. So, we went to the one near our houses and the kids loved it! Cassidy strolled around checking it the pumpkins and playing in the hay. Jonathan played with the other kids that were there, after he found himself the smallest pumpkin ever!!
Jonathan and his tiny pumpkin.

Me and my babies with their pumpkins! :)

"This one is for you mommy!!!"
How sweet is he!! He searched around to find his mommy and pumpkin!! :) I just love him!
Looking for pumpkins.
My lil pumpkin!!
We left the pumpkin patch to get the kids ready for trick-or-treating!! I decided to take my kids to my friend Kristin and Bernie's neighborhood. They live in a safe neighborhood, and they are known to hand out great candy! So, they allowed me to park in their drive way and hang out for a lil bit before the kiddos and I started our stroll down candy lane! :)  
Jonathan surprised me! He actually did very well. He wasn't afraid of the scary costumes, and he went up and knocked on doors all by himself. He was soo sweet! He would tell the kids "I like your costume!" and "Nice costume, haha" Oh man was it adorable!! I started out by carrying cassidy, as she carried her bucket, door to stroller then on to another door. Well, that got old, so I just strolled her up to the door in her stroller. Haha, that got annoying, getting stuck in the grass a bushes. So, what did I do?! Yup!! I let Cassidy get out and walk (Of course, with a close watchful eye on her!). I told her to go say trick-or-treat and say thank you! So, she strolled up to the houses right behind Jonathan, said her version of trick-or-treat and thank 'em <<her version of thank you! :) It was adorable! and everyone got a kick out of her! She was a gorgeous Tinkerbell, I must say! 
After about 45 minutes of trick-or-treating, Jonathan had about enough. So, we strolled back to my friends house while we hung out for a little while. Kris tried to capture their cuteness on camera and Bernie taught Jonathan the "tricks" of making mommy smile, while they passed out candy and said "Happy Halloween" to all of the kids.  All in all, it was a fabulous weekend!  
(I have pictures of trick-or-treating, and Jonathan handing out candy, but due to my blog messing up.. I can't upload them. It attaches the picture at the beginning of the blog, instead of where I want it to go) 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Fight!

                             The Fight! The fight for survival! The fight to live! 
                The who.. The what.. The why.. The How.. and a little of The when.. 
                                        Its the Reason..                                                        

The who: Only the most important person in my life!
The what: My desire to do more. My desire to get more involved.
The why: The why rests in the wall marked - Joann M Crites
                                                                       Rest in Peace
The when:                                          April 2, 1959-Oct 26, 1999
The how: And so the story begins.. 

This is where the "and a little of the when" takes place. Why you ask? Because I was young.. and times and dates were not important to me. Is that why I was never really good in Social Studies?! 

This is based on distant  memories, so I am sure.. if you stick with me through this.. that you will hear a lot of "I remember" or "If I remember correctly". This is honestly something that I have wanted to do for a very long time. It has taken me awhile. A very long time to be exact. Just talking about this story brought me to tears. That is not me, in any way, saying that now is any easier. They say that times heals pain. Well I say, that whoever came up with that quote had never lost any one close to their heart. That's what I say. 

                                             My Mom! My Friend! My Hero!                                                                                                                 I will forever love and miss you!

I was going to Troy High School, and I was accepted into the Sponsor-A-Scholar Program. Charles Riccio was my guidance counselor, and he was a big part of my life at this time. I was good in school, it seemed to come naturally to me. Well, during the summers after being accepted into the program, Mr. Riccio got some of the SAS students summer jobs. Of course, it wasn't just a job, more like work study. I loved my "job" tho. We worked at St. Mary's hospital, and my job consisted of admin work in the surgery center, and working on the 3rd floor, which was the floor for the patients going to and coming from surgery. To get into all of my daily tasks would mean I would be getting more off track then I already am. The mornings would consist of our volunteer services, and after lunch would be our "Classroom" time. 

                             My mom, step dad, me and Principal at a Sponsar-A-Scholar event

Now, you have to understand one thing.. My mom had the heart of gold! She was a lover, and everyone loved her! My mom was someone I can turn to at any point in time. I talked to her about anything, I told her everything! She truly was my best friend! 
She had also been through a lot throughout her entire life. Un-happy events, ultimately led her to a happy place in life.  For once, she was truly happy. 

                                        Me and some of the S.A.S. kids working at St. Mary's

One day, while in "class", My mom and step-dad came in to take me home early. I was riding in the car with my mom and step dad, wondering what was going on. They wouldn't just pick me up for no reason. And to be honest, I don't even remember the reason they said when they picked me up, sad I know! What kind of story is that right?! I also don't even remember how they told me. All I remember is that, I was there for her. Why wouldn't I be? After all, she was my best friend. I went to every single appointment with her. Every single radiation and chemo treatment, you better believe I sat in the waiting room! It was a long and challenging road, from bad reactions to medications, and stares when my mom didn't have a wig on. Thinking back now, this all took place during high school. Those awkward years in life when kids experiment, lie to their parents, sneak out, and get in trouble. I for one, never experienced any of it. That I am grateful for! 

She's in remission! Praise god! My mom survived!! My mom beat breast cancer!! You can not even begin to imagine how ecstatic we were! Life was great again!! We could be happy, with no concerns! And the great news just began to flow! You can not even begin to imagine how ecstatic I was to hear "The rabbit died" *It is a common misconception that the injected rabbit would die only if the woman was pregnant. This led to the phrase "the rabbit died" being used as a euphemism for a positive pregnancy test* My mom, fresh out chemo and radiation, new to the remission stage, had this MIRACLE baby growing inside of her!! How? How could this happen?! The doctors were in disbelief. Its almost impossible, with all the chemicals..
   Another short story, my step-dad was married before my mom and had a step-daughter, and now he took on 5 more step-children, but none of his own. His biggest wish was for a child to call his OWN. Granted, he loved us like his own, but I am certain every man wishes to have someone to carry on his name. With that said, life was great!! My mom survived, and she granted my step-fathers wish.

                                                      Mommy and her cute preggo belly!!

My mom had a very tough pregnancy! She had gestational diabetes, gall stones, and I'm sure other things I am forgetting to mention. She was miserable, although very happy about the baby. Her and my step-father picked out 4 names, 2 for each gender. The names were Brittany or Destiny for a girl and Adam or Benjamin for a boy. After finding out they were having a boy, I decided (at 14 years old) that I wanted to throw her a baby shower! And I was determined to make it the best baby shower ever!! I was doing another summer program, this time at Hudson Valley Community College, so I planned on funding everything while my sister and our best friends (more like sisters) Donna Spaulding, Kristine and Jami Sousis and Erica Adkinson, helped us pick out decorations, get games, come up with food ideas. We even got ahold of my mom's address book and invited all of our family and her friends. She had absolutely NO idea! And I proud to say that the baby shower was a HUGE success!!! We had sooo much food! and we had so many people show up! and we got tons of compliments on how well of a job we did. I truly believe that my mom was proud of us that day!

                                                     Charity, Jami Sousis, Donna Spaulding
                                                  Erica Adkinson, My mommy, Kristine Sousis
                                                  and me, The day of my mom's baby shower.

On October 1, 1998, my mom gave birth to a very healthy baby boy named Benjamin Nathaniel. He was as cute as can be!!! My mom was in the hospital with him during one of the dances at our school. All of us, and some of our friends, got all dressed up and stopped at the hospital first, to see my mom and my new baby brother! And of course we all got pictures taken with her. My friends loved my mom liked their own, and the same for us with Kristine and Jami's mom Robin. Its the people that are involved in your life, through the most difficult times, that you will never forget! and who will always hold a special place in your heart.

Michael, Erica, Charity, Kristine, Marc, Me, Mom and Ben.
School dance Oct 1998
                                                One proud daddy! Carl and Ben.

Earlier I mentioned the complications during pregnancy. One of them being gall stones. Well, after giving birth, the doctors decided they wanted to remove my mom's gall bladder. When they went in for surgery, is when our lives changed forever! They found a spot on her liver, and the tests came back positive for cancer. If you don't already know, now you will. Once cancer gets into your liver, its terminal. Thinking back to when she was in remission, my mom went back to get checked to make sure everything was clear. A spot showed up on her x-rays, the doctors shrugged it off saying it was just a nipple. Only to later find out that nipples don't show up on x-rays. Now, whether they did or not back in 98-99, I have no idea. I am pretty sure they do now tho, after asking a few people.

Life was rough. We were ALL young. Our mom was dying, 3 of us were in high school, Our 2 youngest brothers were 8, and a newborn!! My mom couldn't work, my step-dad had to support all of us. Needless to say, we were poor. I'm not ashamed to say it, maybe I was then. Maybe I was ashamed that we were on Section 8, and food stamps, and wic. I'm not now. There were 8 people living under our roof, with the expenses of a newborn.. living on my step-dad's pay. My mom was very sick, which made life that much harder. We all, especially my sister and I, grew up quick! We took on the responsibilities of house mom. We cooked, and cleaned, and did laundry, and took care of Ben (and Matt), and helped my mom and dad in any way we could.
                                                                       Me feeding Ben

I don't remember the exact date, but I remember the exact events.. My dad was working, and us kids were all home. My mom walked out of her bedroom wearing a sweatshirt, and that is all! She seemed disoriented and couldn't talk. We immediately called my step-father, who advised us to call 911 and headed home. They had to take my mom to to hospital by ambulance. **Update from my sister "October 16, I was at work at McDonalds. Carl came to work and told me I had to go, there was an emergency at home and we needed to get to the hospital." ** My mom, at this point, had NO IDEA who we were! I cried! It was very devastating, knowing that this might be it.. this might be it and she has no idea who I am.
After tests, they realized that the cancer spread to her brain, which caused swelling. With radiation, they were able to reduce the swelling.. which allowed that side of her brain to function again. While my mom was in the hospital, she constantly asked where me and charity were. I would visit every chance I got. But, I have to admit that I did not go as often as I should have! My mom gradually started getting worse. They moved her to a Hospice room (the room you go to when you are dying). The doctors wanted my step-dad to make a difficult decision.. To pull the plug, or not to pull the plug. That is one decision that I would have never been able to make! We had family flying and driving in from everywhere, we knew it would happen, and soon.

                                                  Ben and mom! Their last picture together.

On October 26 1999, 25 days after my baby brother turned 1, my mom reached towards the sky, put her arm down, took her last breath and passed away. All of our family and friends by her side. Not me, I looked in from the doorway. That is one thing I will ALWAYS regret, I never said goodbye. My mom should not have had to ask where I was when she was in the hospital. I should have been there! I should have been there every second I could!  and that is one thing that I do, and always will regret. I was so busy wallowing in my own self pity, that I didn't take ....

that I didn't take the 5 steps to her bedside, to take her hand and tell her how much I truly love her! and that I will always think about her! And that she was the world to me, that she meant the world to me! That no one else in this lifetime could ever replace her! and that I will one day tell my kids stories about their grandmother! and to tell her good-bye. It hurt too much then, and it still does! Time does not heal pain. Especially, when I look into the eyes of my son, and see her! He has his grandmothers eyes, like I have my grandmothers eyes!

                                                      Eyes: Wet
                                                      Mouth: Curved down at the corners.
                                                      Wish: One more day...

-AngelEyes 102699

Monday, October 11, 2010

The everday life..

Well, the idea of my blog sounded cool, it still does.. but procrastination has taken over! That and my lack of creative thoughts. My creative process works at odd hours of the day (back to my pen and paper at all times statement). Okay.. my rambling is over.

So yesterday as I was getting out of the shower, Cassidy walked up to me looking as cute as can be. For once, her daddy dressed her! and let me tell you, he did a pretty darn good job! What do you think?

While she looked adorable as all get out, and no matter my attempts to girlify my princess, I firmly believe that she will be a tom boy! Not that I want her to be, its just the personality she possess right now. With any luck, she will be a girly tomboy! That's my goal! ha. While I am on the subject of Cassidy, I have to add in this short story of her recent trip to get her immunizations. Cassidy was a month late getting her 15 months shots (watching kids is a full-time job, you have to take time off for doctor visits). When we got to the immunization clinic on base, Cassidy was being as cute as ever! She sat in the chair while I filled out the necessary paperwork. While looking over the back of the chair, she would shoot the nurses a smile and wave... tooo darn cute! Then she even let one of them hold her (I'm sure I will have to worry about this soon!). We go back for cassidy to get her shots. She needs 2, one at a time. I prepare myself for her to start wailing! The nurse sticks the first one in her leg.. Nothing! Not even a flinch. My baby girl did not cry!! I look at Cassidy, and then back at the nurse.. dumbfounded! (and extremely impressed!). Time for the second one. The nurse warned me that this one has been known to hurt more. Sure enough, it hurt enough for cassidy's face to wrinkle and pout. But apparantly not enough to make her cry! Little miss thang did not shed one tear OR whine!! 16 months old.. Seriously! Now I can say that I have one tough cookie!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Work in Progress!

I decided to give this a try. My page is currently under construction.. and will be until the day I die. I'm sure of it! Seeing how life is a constant change.

I have recently found a new love of writing. Although I may not be the best at it, and don't have the biggest and best words, I like it. It's fun!
I have realized that writers have to carry a pen and paper at all times tho. If they don't, then thinking back and trying to remember that funny line tends to be an epic fail! Trust me, I know! Miss Epic Fail here! (Thanks for the nickname friend! :-P)

Where to start? My creative process is coming up empty! not to mention my funny streak is dry! So I will leave you with this for now...